
Our aim is to realise projects by applying the integrated system of Around Culture with its experts in the management and promotion of projects, with national and international experience.

Our actions translate into projects aimed at a better understanding of ecosystems, at the recovery and rehabilitation of degraded areas, at conservation of areas, at defining ways of using natural resources.

We offer support to public administrations, private research institutes, supported by the advice of a qualified team of environmental planners and designers, naturalists, biologists, geologists, architects and urbanists, experts in the food industry, specialists in the field of hospitality and tourist accommodation.

Our goal is also to build new knowledge: lifelong learning, masterclasses, field schools, new training models for children and adults.


The ColtivazioniCulturali@TerreBrune brand identifies and represents the cultural products of Around Culture for the company Terre Brune in its specific profiling of a place with a strong cultural vocation. Around Culture is the cultural partner of Terre Brune.

freccia Naturalistic activities on ecosystems

freccia Valorisation of cultural heritage in protected areas

freccia Sustainable tourism projects

freccia Application of new scientific and technical contents

freccia Organisation of environmental education courses

freccia Participation in national and international tenders

freccia Training courses for schools



Stefano Misiani

Stefano Misiani

managing director

Lucina Giacopini

Lucina Giacopini

archaeology & digital heritage

Alessandro Giacopini

Alessandro Giacopini

project director & multimedia

Francesco Lo Sardo

Francesco Lo Sardo

media & public affairs

Patrizia Paganin

Patrizia Paganin

environment & natural resources

Francesca Predazzi

Francesca Predazzi

communication & external relations

Matteo Malvani

Matteo Malvani

cultural heritage & international projects

Lorenzo Foti

Lorenzo Foti

IT consultant

Giandomenico Ponticelli

Giandomenico Ponticelli

archaeology consultant

Elisabetta Ludovico

Elisabetta Ludovico

institutional relations consultant

Kosta Pavlowitch

Kosta Pavlowitch

international communication consultant

Angela Vicentini

Angela Vicentini

business relations consultant

Michela Scibilia

Michela Scibilia

art director & graphic consultant

Luca Guardabascio

Luca Guardabascio

entertainment partner

Francesco Felli

Francesco Felli

entertainment partner

work with us

Work with us



Action Global Communication Ltd

Aeronautica Militare

AsFor Cinema

Assessment s.r.l.

Associazione Verso Green Italia

Centro Città d’Acqua s.r.l.

Cinecittà Studios

CIRPS – Centro Interuniversitario Sviluppo Sostenibile

CISP – Comitato Internazionale Sviluppo dei Popoli

Comune di Anzio

Comune di Licenza

Comune di Manziana

Comune di Roma

Consorzio Roma Ricerche

Ecotherm Site  


ENI S.p.A.

EU commission


Fondazione De Sanctis

Fondazione Nuovo Millennio

Forma-Tec srl

Fox International Channels Italy

Gruppo Caltagirone

Gruppo Santarelli

John Cabot University – Roma 


MIBACT – Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali

Monumento Naturale Caldara di Manziana

National Geographic Channel – Germany

Parco Naturale Regionale dell’Appennino Monti Simbruini

Parco regionale Appia Antica

Parco Regionale Naturale dei Monti Lucretili

Particip GmbH

Philip Morris Italia

Pisana 04 srl

Progetto Mercato di Testaccio srl

Provincia di Latina

Provincia di Roma

Servizio Studi Uff. Parchi


RCS Libri Regione Lazio

RFI – Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato

Riserva Naturale Regionale Tor Caldara

Riserva Naturale Regionale Selva del Lamone

Rotaract Roma

SKY Italia

Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell’Etruria Meridionale

Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali

Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma


Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

WWF Italia

WWF Sistema delle Oasi e Riserve Naturali

X Comunità Montana – “Valle dell’Aniene”